
Ben Mereness, Minister

Ben is a 1975 graduate of Lubbock Christian College.  He preached 32 years for Churches of Christ in Arizona and Texas, and has spoken in numerous states and foreign countries. He is a contributing writer for Power for Today and is author of a small book sharing ideas and philosophies on Vacation Bible School entitled, “VBS? Oh, Yes!”   Which is why some refer to him as “Mr. V.B.S.”

He served as a Regional Development Officer for Eastern European Mission for 13 years. EEM is a ministry that prints Bibles in 25 languages and distributes them “free to all” to citizens in 30 nations.

On January 1, 2021, Ben was invited to be the preacher at the Golden Plains Church in Amarillo, Texas.

He and his wife Jackie (of Panhandle, TX) have been married since May 23, 1975.  They have three grown, married sons; three incredible daughters-in-law; and 9 precious grandchildren.

Ben loves to sing, preach, and fish and sometimes sings while preaching and fishing.