
“What We Believe”-Values

Biblical Truth: God’s written word (the Bible) is our guide and authority in everything. We stand firm where it leads us to Jesus, and flexible where it is flexible. (Hebrews 4:12; John 5:39)

Family: We believe that God works best when we are committed to each other. Life change happens when we are intentionally committed to each other in Jesus centered relationships. Every person has a role to play in the body of Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:12-26)

Service: The church is at its best when it exists to bless others. We strive to take the posture of servants in all that we do. Our ministry begins at home (Amarillo) and works its way out into the wider area and the world. (Matthew 5:43-48)

Discipleship: Success as a church is found in our devotion, sacrifice, and love for Jesus Christ every day. Fully following Jesus is normal for people who call themselves Christians. (Mark 8:34-35)

Transformation: We are far from perfect, but we believe in life change. God’s Spirit is at work among us; forming us, shaping us, and equipping us to look more like Jesus Christ. (Romans 12:1,2; Romans 8)

Love: Our source of strength and motivation is the love of God. Period. Love for one another. Love for our fellow man. Love even for our enemies. That love overflows in our actions in all that we do. (1 John 4:7)

Grace: No one is beyond the mercy and forgiveness of God, nor can we earn it. We are followers of Jesus only because of God’s grace. Grace allows us to be honest about our sins and hopeful for our future. (Romans 6:23; Ephesians 2:8)

Others: People who don’t know God and have yet to commit themselves with all their hearts, minds, and souls to Him, matter to God. Therefore, people who have yet to be introduced to Jesus, matter to us. (Luke 15)